Nutrition and Your Kid’s Teeth

What your kids eat does affect their teeth. Too much of carbohydrates, starches (such as potato chips and pretzels), and sugar (like cake, milk, candies, cookies, and other sugary beverages and foods) can lead to tooth decay. How long these carbohydrates and sugar stay in their teeth is the key culprit that causes tooth decay.

As a parent, the best thing one can do is teaching their children have a healthy diet and prefer healthy food choices. For more info, search for “dentist near me Las Vegas” and consult one.

Here are some of the tooth-friendly food for better dental health:

Fruits and vegetables. When your kids ask for snacks, offer fruits instead of unhealthy snacks containing carbohydrates. Vegetables and fruits containing high volumes of water, like melons, celery, cucumbers, and pears are the best choice. Limit consumption of raisins and banana as they contain concentrated sugar.

Cheese. As a snack or with lunch, serve your kids cheese, especially cheddar, swiss, Monterey Jack, or other aged cheese varieties. Cheese helps trigger the saliva-flow that helps wash the food particles away from the teeth. Not keeping proper dental care may lead to urgent dental care Las Vegas in future.

Avoid chewy, sticky foods.Dried figs, raisins, oatmeal, granola bars, or jelly beans, syrup, molasses, honey, caramel, and peanut butter cookies stick to the teeth that makes it difficult for your saliva to wash sugar away. If your kid consumes such foods, make sure that they brush their teeth as soon as possible after eating.


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