FAQs About Dental Implants

How successful are the dental implants?

The success rates of dental implants may vary depending on the position in the jaw that the implant is being place, however, in general, implants have success rates of nearly 98 percent. With good care of the implants, it can easily last a lifetime.

Can anyone get a dental implant?

In most cases, yes. Any person who is healthy enough to go through routine dental extractions or oral surgeries could be a suitable candidate for a dental implant, as suggested by the dentistLas Vegas. It is important that the patient undergoing dental implant has healthy gums as well as enough bone so as to hold the dental implant. The said patients also need to be committed to a good oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly for routine check. People suffering from any kind of uncontrolled chronic disorders like heart diseases or diabetes, heavy smokers, or people who have had a radiation therapy on the neck/head area are required to be evaluated individually. If you want the best dental implants Las Vegas, talk to your nearest dentist to ascertain if it is the right decision.

How painful can dental implants be?

Most of the patients who have had dental implants done report that they experienced little discomfort during the procedure. Local anesthesia could be used in the procedure. Most of the patients say that the best dental implants Las Vegas are less painful than tooth extraction. You may experience mild soreness after a dental implant, which can be easily treated with OTC pain medications like Motrin or Tylenol.


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